Student Handbook
Preparing for Success by Continuously Improving
Preparing all of our students to succeed after high school in the college or career pathway they choose by building community, inspiring contribution, challenging to grow, and embracing diversity.
Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
PSHS 970-264-2231
Attendance Line……………………………………………………………….. x 1
Front Office Student Aide…………………. x 2
Front Office Secretary Nicole Sanchez……………… x 3
Athletic Secretary/Health Aide Rebecca Aucoin…………... x 4
Principal Sean O’Donnell……….…….. x 5
Assistant Principal/Athletics Chantelle Jordan…………….. x 6
Guidance Counselor Molly Gibson…...…………… x 7
Registrar Krisha Doocy……………….. x 8
Cafeteria ………………………………………………………………………….. x 9
General Website
Athletics Website
Facebook Pagosa Springs High School
Instagram @pagosaspringspirates
Mon-Thur Friday
RtI 8:00-8:15 RtI 8:00-8:15
1 8:15-9:45 1 8:15-9:25
2 9:50-11:20 2 9:30-10:40
Adv. 11:25-12:05 3 10:45-11:55
Lunch 12:05-12:35 Lunch 11:55-12:30
3 12:40-2:10 4 12:35-1:45
4 2:15-3:45
Students who are tardy to class not only create a disruption of the learning environment for themselves, but they interrupt the flow of information to their peers and the teacher’s ability to create and sustain an optimum teaching environment. A tardy occurs when a student is not in the classroom when the tardy bell rings, but he/she arrives within 15 minutes after the tardy bell rings. Students who arrive to class more than 15 minutes late are considered absent. Students may receive a lunch detention for excessive tardies. Students who arrive late to school, will only receive a note from the office if they are excused by a parent.
Rudeness, verbal brutality, and intimidation directed at others will be addressed by disciplinary action. Disciplinary action could include a mandatory review of the techniques that deal with anger management, conflict resolution, respect for others feelings, as well as enhancing one's own self-respect.
Students can be suspended for behaviors including, but not limited to the following: directing profanity at another student, returning profanity as a response to another student's actions, spreading rumors that cause a conflict between students, ridicule directed toward other students, intimidation, verbal abuse, promoting a fight, encouraging a fight during a fight, and any other act that is meant to hurt, ridicule, and/or defame another person.
During lunch, students may only be in the commons area, outside*, or in an area supervised by a teacher. *Students who choose to go outside must remain in the triangle area in front of the main entrance or in a supervised area approved by administration. Students are not allowed in the parking lot area during lunch unless they have permission to quickly retrieve something from a vehicle.
Use of Restrooms
Only one student will be allowed to occupy any single-use restroom or restroom stall at any one time. Students who are found to be in violation of this will be subject to lunch detention for the first offense, ISS for the second offense, OSS and possible remedial discipline/behavior plan for 3 or more offenses.
All students must remain on campus from the time they arrive on school property until the final bell. Exemptions to this rule are seniors off period, tutors, and school to work students. Students who leave campus without a "Permit to Leave" will be considered truant. Parents/Guardians are asked to understand the schools intentions to provide a safe environment for all students during lunch. Excusing students at lunch for the purpose of just being off of school property during lunch is a conflict with this guideline. Parents wanting to eat lunch with their student must personally sign them out in the school office.
Unless they are working on academics in a classroom supervised by a teacher, students may not be in the building after 4:00 p.m. on Monday through Thursday and 2:00 p.m. on Friday afternoons. Teachers who have students in their classrooms are responsible for the students’ supervision.
Students who have become legally emancipated in another state or who have left the residence of their guardian must report their situation to the principal or assistant principal immediately upon enrollment or change of status. These students will meet with both the principal and/or assistant principal to receive instruction on their attendance procedure.
In order to receive a Permit to Leave, the following is needed.
The first ten minutes of class is used by teachers to engage students in the content to be learned for that day. Teachers also use that time to review and lay out activities for the period. The last ten minutes is used by teachers to bring closure and to explain out of class assignments to be completed. Because of the importance of these two time frames, students are not allowed to be in the hallways during the first ten minutes and the last ten minutes of any class period. At all other times, students must have permission to be in the hallway.
At PSHS, students under suspension from school are not allowed on school property and may not attend any school function during their suspension. In order to be readmitted, the student must be accompanied by his/her parent(s) or guardian and confer with the principal or assistant principal.
Bus passes for one day are obtained by the parent calling the transportation office. A written pass will then be issued from the office. (As of 8/29/23, per transportation department, no bus passes will be available until further notice.)
The transportation department requires each student to:
Each bus driver is responsible to transport students to and from school safely daily. When a student is not following the rules, this is a distraction for the driver and could cause an unsafe situation for all of the riders on board. Students who do not comply with the bus rules will receive consequences as follows:
Pink slips are given to the student by the driver when the student continues to disobey the bus rules. The driver alerts the parent/guardian that he/she has given their student a pink slip, and that their bus riding privileges have been suspended. Riding privileges will be reinstated when the pink slip is returned to the driver, signed by the parent/guardian, assuring us that you have discussed proper bus behavior with your child.
3 pink slips will result in a three-day bus suspension. Repetitive bus violations could result in permanent bus suspension.
Students will be responsible to pay for replacement/repairs if they damage the seats on the bus, by cutting, tearing, or graffiti that they are unable to remove.
For more serious violations such as defiance of authority, possession or use of drugs, alcohol or tobacco products, vandalism, possession of weapons, bullying and fighting, there will be more serious consequences determined by the principal and transportation director.
If a student's bus privileges have been revoked for misconduct, transportation will not be provided for any purpose including to and from school and all school sanctioned activities until the suspension is completed.
Seniors who come to school during their off-period may only be in the commons area or in the senior perch unless previous arrangements have been made through the front office. Seniors must get permission from the librarian before entering the library during a free block.
The school district recognizes the need to provide parking spaces for students who drive their own vehicles to school. To the extent feasible, the district will make available parking spaces, however students need to understand that parking on school district property is a privilege and not a right.
Vehicles not parked in designated spaces will be subject to being towed. Vehicles parked on school property are subject to search and inspection if the administration has reasonable suspicion that the vehicle contains items or substances that are detrimental to the welfare and safety of students and school personnel and/or prohibited by state law or school district policy.
The maximum speed limit on high school property is 15 mph. If wishing to drive the maximum limit, students must also consider existing road and weather conditions. Students who exceed the speed limit could lose their privilege to operate any motor vehicle on school property from a minimum of one week to a period not to exceed the length of one school year (9 months). Students driving in the parking lot and on school property are required to abide by all traffic laws.
The school district is not responsible for damage, loss or theft of such items. However, at teacher discretion, they may be used in the classroom. Students must understand there is a difference in the needs of each learning environment as dictated by the subject area and the teacher. Students must respect the policies of each teacher and understand the use and/or presence of cell phones may be denied in some classrooms. Parents are encouraged to model proper use of electronic devices by not contacting students during scheduled class periods.
All special announcements not contained in the written announcements, and the names of students and teachers who have messages in the office will be announced during breaks. Parents are encouraged to call the offices with messages for their students. There will be no all-school public address announcements made at any other time except with the prior approval of the principal or assistant principal. In case of emergency, the student will be called to the office immediately.
Students are responsible for the books that are checked out to them at the beginning of the year. If these books are lost or returned in poor condition, the student will be expected to pay for them.
All books must be checked out at the main circulation desk. Taking library books or materials without checking them out constitutes scholastic dishonesty and violates other students' rightful use of these materials. Students caught taking or defacing materials will lose their library privileges.
Students coming to the library individually must have permission. Students are expected to use individual library time for study and research, not for visiting with other students.
Students may not bring student visitors to school. On a limited basis and through administrative approval and coordination, non-students wanting to visit the school in preparation for attending Pagosa Springs High School in the future may make visitation arrangements.
High School dances are not open to the public. Anyone 21 years of age or older will not be allowed to attend a dance. Students who have dropped out of school may not participate in any dance or school activity until after the date of their original graduation. Junior High students are also not allowed at High School dances.
Once students have arrived at a dance, they may not leave the building and return later. Tobacco, alcohol, and/or drug use is not allowed and school rules apply to these functions as they do during the school day.
Students who are suspected to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol will be detained until their parents can come to the school to get them. if the parents/guardians of the student cannot be notified, the student will be released to local authorities.
**Any student who knowingly violates any of the above guidelines, will be subject to losing his/her privilege to attend future High School dances.
In order that a meaningful set of rules and regulations be established for the safety and well-being of all, each student participating in extracurricular activities and athletics is expected to recognize that the school's authority and responsibility extends from within the building itself to any area or activity which is sponsored by the School District. Students should become familiar with the Pagosa Springs High School Student & Parent Athletic Handbook and each activity's specific rules and regulations.
All teachers at Pagosa Springs High School use the following 4-point scale for determining letter grades:
A -- 4 grade points = 90-100…………………Advanced Understanding
B -- 3 grade points = 80-89………………………Proficient Understanding
C -- 2 grade points = 70-79………………………Partial Proficient Understanding
D -- 1 grade point = 60-69………………………..In Progress
All classes that are “Advanced Placement” will be on a 5-point scale.
Being named to the Pagosa Springs High School Honor Roll is a significant mile-stone in a student's school experience. Those students who are named to the Pagosa Springs High School Honor Roll are recognized by their teachers, peers, and the community as examples of students who have made an exemplary academic effort.
The Pagosa Springs High School Student Honor Roll is composed of any student who obtains a 3.2 grade average with no grade lower than a "B" and who has maintained acceptable attendance.
Pagosa Springs High School urges students to conduct themselves ethically and honorably. It is expected that the grade a student earns is based upon work the student has performed. Cheating is dishonest. It harms you and it harms the other students who do not cheat. We, therefore, will not condone nor will we tolerate any student submitting work that is not produced solely by the student’s own initiative.
The following behaviors may be considered as possible acts of cheating: plagiarism, talking during an exam, copying another’s test/assignment, allowing others to copy your work, roving eyes, open books or notebooks during an exam, crib sheets/cheat sheets, passing notes during an exam, cell phone use during an exam, printing another’s work, having someone do your assignment for you (homework, project, lab, etc.), stealing exams, selling exams, altering a grade (in grade book, on a computer, on a report card), taking an exam for someone else, using bribery/blackmail/threats, intimidation in pursuit of a better grade.
Category One Offense
Teacher may:
Administrator may:
Teacher may:
Administrator may:
Teacher may:
Administrator may:
Category Two Offense
Teacher may:
Administrator may:
Any student receiving an out-of-school suspension is responsible for making up all missed work. A student will have one additional class period for every class period he/she is suspended to make up all missed work.
Students who withdraw from school, regardless of the reason, must present to the office a statement signed by either parent or guardian stating the reason for withdrawal. Upon completion, the form is to be returned to the office. Money owed to the school must be taken care of at this time or earlier.
Students will be issued unofficial grades at this time. Official grades will be mailed to the student's new school upon written request from that school, providing all books have been returned and all bills paid. Transcripts cannot be forwarded until a student officially withdraws.
With Highest Distinction, 4.0 Grade Point Average
With Great Distinction, 3.9 Minimum Grade Point Average
With Academic Distinction, 3.8 Minimum Grade Point Average
A school counselor is someone who is:
Why would you see a school counselor?
To talk about: Scheduling, Admissions, Financial Aid, College Applications, Scholarships, Graduation Requirements, Career/Job Planning, Time Management, Loss/ Change, Relationships, Peer Pressure, Conflict Management, Substance Abuse, STD/AIDS, Abuse, Eating Disorders, Dropping Out
How do you make an appointment to see a counselor?
Friend Referral
Teacher Referral
Parent Referral
Per direction of the Colorado Department of Education, all juniors will take the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) in April of their junior year. Juniors can also take this national assessment five other times yearly, August through May. The April test is required by CDE for all juniors in the state of Colorado. The Pagosa Springs High School CEEB code is 061135.
Through the Scholarships In Escrow program, students can earn funds for post-secondary education. The funds may be applied to paying expenses at an approved college, university, business or vocational school. Based upon the A's and B's received in science, math, language arts, social studies, and foreign language courses, students may earn $40.00 for each A and $20.00 for each B.
There is only one valedictorian and one salutatorian chosen from the graduating class. The students earning valedictorian, salutatorian, or top ten are selected based on the cumulative grade point average from their first three years, together with their grade point average of their senior year, through the first three quarters. The date to review students will be the day grades are posted for the third quarter.
The decision for Valedictorian or Salutatorian will be made by reviewing the students who share the top grade point average after weighting. The potential Valedictorian or Salutatorian must have been a student at Pagosa Springs High School for the entirety of their Junior and Senior year to be considered. For the consideration of these distinctions only, the grade point average will be weighted. For every class that is an honors course or has the honors designation, .5 points will be added to the value of that class. For example, an "A" in English II is worth 4 points, whereas an "A" in Honors English II is worth 4.5 points. All Advanced Placement classes are already on the 5-point scale, so they will not be given additional weighting. If there is a tie after weighting, there is an application offered as a tie-breaker. The positions will be selected from among the applicants according to the following considerations: volunteerism, community service, extracurricular activities, and dedication to others. The valedictorian is the student selected as the top in the class, according to these criteria, and the salutatorian is the student selected as the runner-up. The decision as to which student is the valedictorian or salutatorian will be made by a committee which reviews all applications. The decision will be announced in the late spring.
For Top-Ten, the students are chosen based solely on the grade point averages through the 3rd quarter of senior year. The Top-Ten students are recognized in the yearbook and participate in the graduation ceremony. To qualify to be in the Top-Ten (other than Valedictorian or Salutatorian), a student only needs to a current student of Pagosa Springs High School.
The Board of Education recognizes that effective learning and teaching take place in a safe, secure and welcoming environment and that safe schools contribute to improved attendance, increased student achievement and community support. The School Board has directed the Superintendent of Schools, following consultation with the District Accountability Committee, parents, teachers, administrators, students and when appropriate, members of the community, to develop a safe schools plan. The plan and yearly audit can be reviewed at any of the schools within the School District.
Archuleta School District 50 JT uses Standard Response Protocol (SRP) as its emergency management system. Families of, and those attending, Pagosa Springs High School agree to comply with this protocol.
In cases of extreme emergency that involves the general safety of the students and all school personnel, the following procedures should be followed:
From The Standard Response Protocol K12 & The Standard Reunification Method PK-12 COLORADO
Cell Phones During Safety Drills
It is not uncommon for school administrators to ban cell phone use during a lockdown. Parent instincts may be at odds with that ban. Often, one of the first things a parent will do when there is a crisis in the school is text their child.
In evaluating actual lockdown events, the initial crisis may only take minutes. After the threat is mitigated, Law Enforcement typically clears the school one classroom at a time. This process may take significant time. During this time, both parents and students can reduce stress through text communications.
There is also an opportunity to ask the students to text their parents with crafted messages. For example, “Pick me up at Lincoln Elementary in one hour. Bring your ID.”
The staff of Archuleta School District 50 JT and Pagosa Springs High School have worked with local law enforcement to determine the best course of action regarding cell phone use during an emergency. Following the guidance of the Standard Response Protocol, staff will instruct students to wait for a specified amount of time prior to allowing intermittent text messages to communicate with those outside of the building. Although this may cause stress to not be in communication during the event, there are several safety factors which have led the creators of this protocol to instruct schools in this way.
Trained detection canines may conduct random unannounced contraband inspection of all campus locations in the district. The canines are trained to detect the presence of illicit drugs, prescription and over the counter drugs, alcoholic beverages, and gunpowder based items.
District owned property such as: all campus buildings, buses or vehicles, all exterior grounds including parking lots will be randomly inspected for prohibited contraband items. All property on school grounds is subject to inspection including privately owned vehicles. If detected and found, the district will initiate the appropriate disciplinary action.
The district nurse divides her time between Pagosa Springs Elementary, Middle, and High Schools. She is responsible for screenings, health care, immunization and health records and various other health issues with the assistance of each school’s Health Aide. It is not her job, or that of the Health Aides, to take the place of our local doctors or public health facilities.
See policies JLC, JLCB, JLCB-R, JLCD, and JLCDA for more information.
The health room is available for students who become ill or are injured while in school. The student must obtain permission from his/her teacher before going to the health room. The student must check in with a secretary, nurse, principal, or assistant principal before using the room. Students are to enter from the main office. Students may use the room for fifteen minutes. After this time, if the student is too ill to return to class, he/she must notify his/her parents and have a parent or guardian pick them up. If unable to reach a parent, the student may return to the health room, if permission is obtained from the office personnel.
In this section, you will see policies from the school district that pertain to students and families.
Here are links to the policy.
Here are links to the policy.
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Here is the link to the policy:
Here is the link to the policy for the Class of 2025:
Here is the link to policy for Class of 2026 and beyond:
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KEF - Public Concerns/Complaints about Teaching Methods, Activities or Presentations
Here is the link to the policy:
Here is the link to the policy: